" God dwells in our midst, in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. "
- St. Maximilian Kolbe
We are blessed to have the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
open and available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The outside entrance to the chapel is found following the path at the very south side of our campus.
Thursdays (after 8:30am Mass - 8:00 PM)
First Fridays (after 8:30am Mass - 7:00 PM)
Mondays of Lent and Advent (after 8:30am Mass - 5:00 PM).
Jesus said, "Let the children come to Me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14) The Family Holy Hour is a weekly opportunity to bring your children before the Lord and not feel so concerned them being too loud or squirmy in church. Every Thursday from 11 AM-12 noon, bring your children to come pray for as much or as little of the hour as you like. There will be a small activity box on the large table in the back of the church for families with young children to use. It helps to also bring some books, especially any that are faith related, for your children to look through or read. There are many graces for parents and children in praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Maybe try saying a decade of the rosary together. We hope that many families will take this opportunity to pray before our Lord and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Join us from 7-8pm on the first Thursday of every month as we pray especially for vocations.
All are welcome!
The most important thing for you to remember about Adoration is that our Lord is happy you are spending time with Him. In the beginning, you may be unsure of what you are to do during this time. To help you get started, we have listed ideas from a pamphlet from Our Sunday Visitor.
Pray the Psalms or Liturgy of the Hours
Recite the “Jesus Prayer” by saying “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner” to quiet your heart and mind
Meditate using Scripture
Read the life of a saint and pray with him or her
Pour out your heart to Christ and adore Him
Ask for forgiveness and intercede for others
Pray the Rosary
Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Sit quietly and just “be” in the presence of God
Have questions about Adoration or our scheduling tool? Contact our team at:

Family Holy Hours & Potlucks
Families are welcome to come for as much as or as little as they can! Resources such as coloring pages and journaling sheets will be provided. We’ll also have resources available for those new to Adoration.
What is Adoration?
Have you ever stopped to consider that the same God you kneel before in Adoration, is the same God that the Magi traveled to adore? Just as the Magi followed the star “and came to do Him homage” (Matthew 2:2), during Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we come to worship Jesus 2000 years later.
According to the CCC 2096, “Adoration is the first act of the virtue of religion. To adore God is to acknowledge Him as God, as the Creator and Savior, the Lord and Master of everything that exists, as infinite and merciful love.”
Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament may take place in two ways. When the Blessed Sacrament is placed in a Monstrance on the altar, it is called Eucharistic Adoration or Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. If the Blessed Sacrament is not exposed and placed in the Tabernacle, it is simply called Adoration. These terms can be shortened as Exposition and Adoration. When Jesus is present in the Monstrance on the altar, there must be 2 people present at all times. Benediction refers to the brief ceremony at the end of Exposition when Jesus is returned to the Tabernacle.
How do I pray a holy hour? Watch some of the resources below!