Adult Formation
“The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.”
- St. Maximilian Kolbe
Alpha is a series of 11 sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each session includes food, a short video that is designed to spark a thought-provoking conversation, and group discussion. There is no pressure, no follow up and no charge. Since 1990, Alpha has been experienced by 29 million people of many Christian denominations from 169 countries in 112 languages. It is fully endorsed by the Catholic Church as a great starting place for many people interested in the faith.
No matter who you are, nonbeliever, cradle Catholic, or anywhere in-between, you’ve got questions, and that’s what Alpha is all about. Alpha is for anyone who is curious. Alpha is a good pathway for those who want to return to church.
The talks are designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. No question is out of bounds, and you are free to discuss as little or as much as you wish.
Alphas is offered in English and Spanish. New core team members are always welcome. Please consider serving as a table facilitator or become a prayer team member.
Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the all natural way of deciding how many children you will have and how far apart they will be spaced that is in keeping with the teaching of the Catholic Church. When done correctly, NFP can be as effective as artificial contraception. For many years, doctors and researchers have been studying a woman’s body to see how her hormones, temperature, and fluids respond to different stages of her monthly cycle. By knowing how a woman’s body works optimally, a couple use that information to determine their own fertility.
We usually have two sessions, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. All classes will be held from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM in Room 16.
The cost is $150 plus shipping, however this course is FREE for registered parishioners, contact the teaching couple for the promo code.
Free babysitting might be available. Please check with the teaching couple to confirm.
If you're interested in the Main Series, Perimenopause, or Postpartum NFP classes, or if you have any questions, please reach out to Dave and Jen at
NFP is required for all couples going through marriage preparation at St. Max.
If you're interested in the Main Series, Perimenopause, or Postpartum NFP classes, or if you have any questions, please reach out to Dave and Jen at
Date Nights for Married Couples
Careers, our kids’ school, sports, and activities, our hobbies, and other family commitments while all important aspects of our lives can often distract us from our most important relationships—God and our spouse. On the first Friday of the month we take time as couples to focus on and deepen these most important relationships in our lives. We begin with mass together at 7:30 in the church. Then enriched by the prayer of the mass and the nourishment of the Eucharist, we enjoy social time with other couples. Themed formation each month helps us continue to grow together toward our God Who created us and blessed us with our spouses and families. We also hope to provide the space and the opportunity to grow in community with other couples who are also interested in growing in their relationships with each other and with Jesus.
View our upcoming events on the Events Page
St. Benedict Bible Study
Saturdays, 9:30 - 11:00 AM
St. Benedict Bible Study is a faith sharing and bible study group that focuses primarily on preparing for the Sunday readings, to help each other more deeply understand scripture and how it can relate to personal faith journeys. The group is composed of adult men and women and open to all adults of the parish. For more information, contact Paul Groh at or 513-324-2937.
Paul Groh

Bible & Book Studies
Exodus 90
Exodus 90 is a difficult 90 day exercise for men. Designed to shift your spiritual life into 5th gear, the exercise embraces three fundamental components of the Christian life for men: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. Beginning January 1, 2024 (90 days prior to Easter) and culminating with the conclusion of the Easter Vigil, you will do the following:
PRAYER: Pray one hour each day.
ASCETICISMS: No eating between meals, fast with the Church on Wednesdays & Fridays, no sweets or sweet drinks, black coffee or tea only, no alcohol, no phone or internet use unless required for home/work, no gaming, no TV, movies or youtubes, no unnecessary material purchases, take cold showers, attend at least one daily Mass weekly, listen to only spiritually uplifting music, engage in intense exercise at least three times weekly.
FRATERNITY: Meet weekly for encouragement & accountability, check in daily with your anchor (another man in your fraternity.)
Learn more about Exodus 90 at
Rick Brandell
Men in Tents
Men 21+ are invited to join us for an outdoor camping event from Friday, October 4 until Sunday, October 6 at Camp River Ridge. Thorughout the weekend, there will be bonfires, BB guns, a cannon, s’mores, cigars, beer along with physical, spiritual, and fellowship activities. We will have Mass on Saturday and Sunday mornings, a Eucharistic Benediction, Adoration, and opportunity for Reconciliation. All meals are provided.
Must be 21 or over
Fee: $60
Space is limited -
We need volunteers to help make this weekend a success! If you are willing to help out, please email
Lessons in Faith
A gathering for women in all stages of life, this group meets for study, discussion, and faith sharing over coffee. The group meets Wednesday mornings during the school year from 9:30-11:30AM in the youth room.
Mary Graf
(513) 894-8096
Moms of St. Max
Our purpose is to foster faith formation, build community, and equip moms to help their children and families grow as disciples of Christ.
We will be meeting approximately every other week, usually alternating between Sunday evenings 7-9 PM to Wednesday mornings from 9-11 AM.
Kate Zink
Womens Retreat
All women of the parish are invited to join us! We offer various retreats throughout the year.
In the past, our retreats have included Mass, Exposition with Benediction, Confession, a special devotion, quiet reflection time, breakfast and lunch.
Advent by Candlelight
Sunday, December 1
Lenten Retreat
February 22, 2025
St. Monica Society
We are an intercessory prayer group that meets to pray for the return of loved ones who have left the faith. Each loved one is lifted up, individually, by only first name. Come join us to pray for all or part of the hour, or contact us with names of loved ones if you are unable to attend, but share in this burden.
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Mondays, 3:00-4:00 in the ChurchWe gather in the St. Patrick's Conference Room for mutual support and fellowship. Then, we move into the either the chapel or main church to pray.
Cathy Nichols (513) 675-1570
Living Waters
Living Waters hosts and supports adoration nights, healing and intercessory prayer opportunities, rosary services, and other events with the goal of helping others to encounter Christ, and recognize and respond to the Holy Spirit acting in our lives daily. The events take place throughout the year and are advertised in the parish bulletin. All are welcome!
Elizabeth Conner 513-288-5531
Steve Conner 513-737-2605
Hearts Afire
The Hearts Afire Parish-based Programs are a bold and fresh approach to small group, adult faith formation at Catholic parishes. Structured around the bestselling books and videos by popular author and retreat master Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, these simple programs are setting hearts on fire in thousands of parishes across the globe. Gaitley offers a Do-It-Yourself Retreat, 33 Days to Morning Glory, a journey toward total consecration to Jesus through the Blessed Mother (aka, Marian Consecration). Every week for four weeks one reads about a well-known saint of Marian consecration, including St. Maximilian Kolbe! Stop by the parish office for your free hard copy of his book. Then, for the fullest experience, access Fr. Gaitley's weekly videos (6 total) and workbook on FORMED. Whether you want to do this as a self-guided spiritual journey or host a small group, it is easy for you to follow for 33 days and plan for your consecration on a Marian feast day. Interested? Please contact Jane Rowland with any questions about materials, FORMED, or Marian Consecration.
Rosary Rally
The purpose of this ministry is to invoke the protection and intercession of Our Blessed Mother and it serves all who participate, the parish, the community, the country, and the Catholic Church. We hold an annual Rosary Rally at the Clock Tower at Union Centre for the parish and community to pray the rosary for America and give a public witness to our faith. It is intended to be close to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7) or the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima (October 13). There may be additional feast days to offer the rosary as a time of prayer, public witness, and evangelization efforts. We have included Eucharistic Processions as part of the Rosary Rally.
Please consider this as a volunteer opportunity. If you would like to help out, all are welcome.
Steve Feldman or Kim Collins
Harvest of Prayer
Needing prayer? Harvest of Prayer Ministry meets after our 9 AM Mass every second Sunday of the month in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. We offer individual prayer for anyone in need of support. All are welcome!
Susan Giuliano
Daily Scripture in your Inbox
What if we spent 1% of every day investing in our relationship with our Lord?
The 1% Challenge was created to help you on that journey. Imagine getting customized daily readings right to your mailbox with reflection questions, and a weekly parishioner-led Lectio Divina video for you to wake up to and start your day out strong! Click the button below to begin receiving these daily insights into the Bible with our parish. What are you waiting for?!
Faith Formation Resource
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