Our Clergy
Fr. Jim Riehle
Fr. Matthew Montag
John Paul Back
Mike Hinger
Mike Lippman
Our Pastoral Team
Kevin Diehl
Co-Director of Parish Life & Stewardship and Communications Associate
LakmƩ Kodros
Co-Director of Parish Life & Stewardship and Director of Outreach
513-777-4322 Ext. 105
Helen Mondi
Holly Moran
Madison Sanders
Mary Ella Wielgos
Administration and Finance
Cindy Fuerbacher
Senior Administrative Assistant and Donor Records Administrator
513-777-4322 Ext. 111
cfuerbacher@saint-max.org -
Cindy Groh
Office Manager & Facilities Scheduler
513-777-4322 Ext. 101
cgroh@saint-max.org -
Annette Hamlin
Full Charge Bookkeeper
513-777-4322 Ext. 103
Worship and Sacraments
Dave Brunsman
Adult Initiation Minister
513-777-4322 Ext. 137
dbrunsman@saint-max.org -
Robin Burbrink
Children's Initiation Minister
513-777-4322 Ext. 124
rburbrink@saint-max.org -
Michelle Meyer
Assistant Liturgy Coordinator
513-777-4322 Ext. 129
Religious Formation
Mary Lou Baker
Coordinator of Religious Formation of Youth
513-777-4322 Ext. 120
mbaker@saint-max.org -
Kaitlyn Briedis
Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
513-777-4322 Ext. 118
juniorhigh@saint-max.org -
Sarah Lewis
Mighty Max Director
513-777-4322 Ext. 128
slewis@saint-max.org -
Joan Stoltz
Educational Consultant, Grades 1-8
513-777-4322 Ext. 119
jstoltz@saint-max.org -
Jo Zink
Assistant Adult Faith Formation Coordinator
513-777-4322 Ext. 139
Facilities and Maintenance
Carroll Craycraft
Cleaning/Maintenance Worker
513-777-4322 Ext. 110
ccraycraft@saint-max.org -
Bill McDowell
513-777-4322 Ext. 110
bmcdowell@saint-max.org -
Tom O'Rourke
Facilities & Maintenance Manager
513-777-4322 Ext. 110
torourke@saint-max.org -
John Schmidt
513-777-4322 Ext. 110

Councils & Commissions
Every year, in the months leading up to Pentecost, our parish undertakes a leadership discernment process for our councils and commissions. Parishioners are invited to nominate themselves or others to serve the parish in this important way. While the 2024 discernment process is complete, if you are interested in serving on one of our councils or commissions feel free to reach out to the respective chair for more information at any time of year.