Get involved
Liturgies and Sacraments
in our
Liturgical and Sacramental Ministries
Anyone grade 5 or older is eligible to serve the community of St. Maximilian Kolbe as an altar server. Severs help facilitate the liturgical prayer of the community by bearing candles and the cross in procession, holding the missal, assisting the presider, and fulfilling other ministerial roles in the liturgy.
Training is required and provided.
Contact: Michelle Meyer, mmeyer@saint-max.org, 513-777-4322 x129
Help make our worship space beautiful! The Art & Environment team enhances the liturgical environment, honoring the liturgical seasons, feasts, and special liturgies. You can help with the care of linens, procuring necessary supplies, arranging and watering flowers, designing and sewing banners and altar linens, care of the bulletin boards, etc. Your gift of time is welcome on a weekly basis, in preparation for major seasons (e.g. Christmas & Easter) or both!
Contact: Michelle Meyer, mmeyer@saint-max.org, 513-777-4322 x129
Welcoming and preparing families for baptism is the work of our whole parish community, but we also need ministers to take on particular roles. Our Baptism Prep Team assists at the celebration of infant baptism, facilitates preparation sessions, and welcomes families. To find out more and get involved, please contact Dale & Annette Bottoms, Baptism Team Leaders, 513-307-6325, BaptismPrep@saint-max.org.
Becoming Catholic is the process through which adults, and children 7-yrs old and older, become Catholic, culminating in receiving the Sacraments of Baptism (if not previously baptized), Confirmation, and Eucharist.
Volunteers are needed in various capacities: Sponsors, Catechists, Coordination, Set-up and Tear-down.
Contact: Dave Brunsman, 513-777-4322 Ext. 137, dbrunsman@saint-max.org / BecomingCatholic@saint-max.org
The candle care team is a team of volunteers who care for the votive rack candles throughout the church. Every day a member of the team replaces spent candles with new ones while also cleaning any candle globes as is necessary. The care of the votive racks generally takes place before or after the 8:30 AM weekday Mass as well as Sunday mornings before the 9:00 AM Mass. A team member can be assigned a particular day or be listed as a substitute and serve only occasionally. Minimal training is required to get you set up to join us!
Contact: Michelle Meyer, mmeyer@saint-max.org, 513-777-4322 x129
Responsible for promoting and coordinating coverage of hours of Adoration and Exposition, communicating with regular adorers as needed, and assisting with planning of special events and/or Eucharistic devotions. Open to ages 13 and up.
Contact: Kathy Hinger at adoration@saint-max.org
Lay ministers assist with the distribution of Holy Communion in a manner which witnesses our belief in and reverence for the Eucharist. EMHCs serve the parish both at Mass and by bringing Holy Communion to the homebound. Parishioners can volunteer to be an EMHC when they have been baptized, made their First Holy Communion, and have reached the age of 13. They may serve before they have been confirmed.
Contact: David Sejas at EMHC@saint-max.org
View our EMHC 2024 Guidelines and Procedures
Every Sunday, from 10:30 AM-10:50 AM, come to the St. Patrick’s Conference Room for an opportunity to learn more about the Mass and the treasures of our faith from our pastor, Fr. Jim. With a focus on young children, the entire family is welcome to participate together. Our time frame is a brief 20 minutes. Consider staying with your family just after attending the 9:00 AM Mass, or coming at 10:30 AM then staying for the 11:00 AM Mass.
Hospitality ministers welcome those who come for Mass with a warm and friendly smile. Open to children and adults, perfect for a family to do together.
Contact: Michelle Meyer, (513)-777-4322 x 129, mmeyer@saint-max.org
Help us care for the plants inside our campus building. Volunteers are scheduled on a rotating basis to water and prune our plants.
Contact: Michelle Meyer at mmeyer@saint-max.org, 513-777-4322 x129
Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the gathered community. Through preparation and study of scripture, lectors help facilitate “active listening” to the Word. Open to ages 13 and up.
Contact: Steve Feldman, 513-885-3987, lectors@saint-max.org
Join our team of parishioners who weekly launder the sacred linens used for Mass.
Contact: Mary Ella Wielgos, mwielgos@saint-max.org, 513-777-4322 x109
Music plays a vital role in our liturgies. Singing is said to be praying twice!
We have several opportunities to contribute to this ministry. To join or audition for our Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, High School Ensemble, Cantor, as Instrumentalists or in our Handbell Choir, reach out to Mary Ella Wielgos, mwielgos@saint-max.org
Interested in helping the youth of our parish prepare for First Penance, First Communion and Confirmation? We’d be happy to have you!
Please contact Robin Burbrink at rburbrink@saint-max.org, 513-777-432 x124
Sacristans prepare the necessary linens and vessels for the celebration of the liturgy. One sacristan is needed for each Mass. Open to ages 13 and up, but younger children can join an adult from their family and work together.
Contact: Tom O’Rourke, 513-816-3658, sacristans@saint-max.org
Sound technicians help to set up equipment as needed and operate the sound mixer to control the overall sound quality during Mass. It is preferred that the sound technician has a technical knowledge and understanding of the sound system, but training is provided. Sound techs are scheduled as they are able and for various liturgical needs throughout the year.
Contact: Mary Ella Wielgos, 513-777-4322 Ext. 109, mwielgos@saint-max.org
Ushers assist our guests and parishioners by helping them find seats, facilitating the monetary collection, and providing other assistance as needed for the smooth flow of the liturgy. Open to anyone 18 years or older.
Contact: Michelle Meyer, (513)-777-4322 x 129,mmeyer@saint-max.org
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the St. Maximillian Kolbe Vocations Ministry is devoted to the promotion and awareness of religious vocations by nurturing a culture of discernment, prayer and encouragement to be open to God’s call.
The Vocations Ministry seeks to encourage parishioners to pray for and consider Vocations to the priesthood, sisterhood, permanent diaconate, brotherhood and lay ministry. Committee members spend time as available coordinating different aspects of vocation education and awareness.
If you are interested in joining the Vocations Ministry please contact Mary Ella Wielgos. mwielgos@saint-max.org
Parish wedding coordinators assist the priest or deacon at the wedding rehearsal and wedding ceremony, manage the set up and organize the procession. Time commitment is the wedding rehearsal and wedding liturgy.
It is a beautiful blessing to serve the couple and their joyful families on these special days.
Contact: Mary Ella Wielgos, 513-777-4322 x109, mwielgos@saint-max.org
Worship & Sacraments Commission
The Worship and Sacraments Commission is one of four parish commissions under the auspices of the Pastoral Council. The Worship and Sacraments Commission is charged with ensuring that liturgical worship and sacraments remain at the center of parish life. The commission supports the effective preparation and celebration of liturgy at St. Max. The commission acts as a sounding board, advising the pastoral staff and assisting in efforts to adapt and support the liturgical life of our parish. The Worship Commission oversees the recruitment, formation, scheduling, and evaluation of lay liturgical ministers in conjunction with the pastoral staff and ministry coordinators.
Bob Gloeckner, Chair
Maribeth Gieseke, Vice-Chair
John Stengel, Secretary
Maureen Savage
Jane Bare
Rick Brandell
Katie Keenan
Barry Reinholz
Karen Agricola
Director of Worship and Sacraments
Mary Ella Wielgos, 513-777-4322 Ext 109, Mwielgos@saint-max.org