Parishioner Testimonials
“I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.” - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
We are Precious in His Sight
By Cindy Muron
Four years ago I met a young 38 year old man named Ryan in the hospital, where I was working as a palliative care nurse. Ryan was just told he only had a few weeks to live that morning by his oncologist. He has been battling stage IV colon cancer for several years. He was suffering from widespread intractable pain and I was asked to see him to help manage his pain. I walked into a dark room, Ryan was curled up in a fetal position in the bed. My heart was filled with compassion.
The Baby We Never Met
By The Brunsman Family
One of the most beautiful ways God manifested Himself to us was on June 1, 2023, at the burial of our precious baby, Karol, at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Beautifully officiated by Fr. Jesús, and surrounded by friends and family, we received some consolation through the service. For the reading, we chose Isaiah 35:4, “Thus says the LORD: Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God, he comes with vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you.”
The Greatest Destination
By Debbie Lackey
My name is Debbie Lackey and I am the mother of two adult sons, Jeremy and Tyler. My oldest son, Jeremy, had started in his RCIA program in 2021. As his mother, a believer in God but not really committed to attending church or choosing any denomination, I was thrilled with his journey into the Catholic faith and supported him by driving him to and from church every Sunday.
Jeremy fell gravely ill in April of 2022 and I was terrified that I was going to lose my son.
Little Angels
By Abigail & Michael Bambrick
When I first got pregnant in 2014, I had just turned 30 and still wasn’t sure if I ever wanted kids. As with many things in life, God had a different plan for my life than what I had expected at that time. I can’t clearly remember my initial thought after seeing those two pink lines on the first pregnancy test but I did take four more pregnancy tests just to be extra sure. Our former view of what this stage of life should look like was so different than this.
“This is my plan for you. Unite your suffering with Me.”
By An Anonymous St. Max Family
These are words I felt God speaking to me in the midst of the pandemic, pregnant with my second child, and undergoing another Hyperemisis Gravidarum pregnancy. There were hopes it would be different this time and many prayers for healing, yet I found myself at the foot of the Cross in the same way yet again. This time it would be different.
What’s your story?
If you feel called to share your personal encounter of Christ, we would love to share it with our parish family! Your witness, by name or anonymously, could touch others at all stages in life. To learn more about this opportunity, please contact communications@saint-max.org.