Knights of Columbus
Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Conn., and a group of parishioners. Their intent? To bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families.
Council 11355
The St. Maximilian Kolbe Council #11355 is the council for the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish. We have more than 190 members and do a wide variety of charitable works in the parish and community.
Our meetings are the 3rd Monday of every month in the Large Conference Room at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish. The meetings start at 7:00 PM and there is a Rosary before the meeting starting around 6:30 PM.
If you are a Catholic male, 18 years or older, please consider joining. Vivat Jesus!
What We Do
Youth Activities
Assist with expenses for youth/clergy to attend events such as the March for Life in Washington, DC or the World Youth Day.
Sponsor Cub Scout Pack 944
Support the American Heritage Girls
Hold an annual Basketball Free Throw Competition each January
Church Activities
Our members actively serve the parish as greeters, ushers, lectors, sacristans, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and music ministry
Our members actively serve the parish in leadership positions on the Pastoral & Finance Councils, the four commissions, and as heads of various ministries.
Provide financial & prayer support for Seminarians, Priests & Deacons
We provide rosaries and teach the RCIA candidates about the Rosary
We lead one of the parish’s Stations of the Cross devotions during Lent
We erected & maintain the flag pole and American flag in front of the church
The Knights assist as cooks and other duties at the St. Max Lenten Fish Fry held each Friday during Lent
In October, 2011, the Weeping Rachel statue was dedicated as a gift from the Knights of Columbus, who are continuing to maintain and upgrade the area
We assist and encourage many other Parish ministries
Man the chicken sandwich booth at the annual St. Max Parish Festival
Assist with special celebrations at St. Max, including hospitality on Thanksgiving and ice cream social at the Feast of the Assumption
Community Service
Host an annual Oktorberfest dinner to benefit Catholic education
Host an annual Valentines dance to benefit Catholic education
Host blood drives in co-operation with Hoxworth
Collect funds via the Measure-Up campaign benefitting the developmentally disabled
Participate in Knights of Columbus State Charity Programs
Provide meals for “The Chosen” homeless shelter
Monthly business meeting
Advent/Christmas Social
Monthly Social meetings
Annual Car Show
Participate in the Cincinnati Chapter of the Knights of Columbus
Are you interested in growing in your faith? Be sure to visit the Knights of Columbus Catholic Information Service for resources like:
New Evangelization Series
Hart Series
Veritas Series
Devotional Items
Cathechism of the Catholic ChurchInsurance
One of the key benefits of being a Knight is the insurance program that will protect you and your family. It is rated one of the best in the industry.
When Fr. McGivney founded the Knights, an insurance program was one of the main reasons why. He witnessed too many families left fatherless and without a viable means of support. He started the insurance program to help working class families in the case of the death of the provider of the family. Today, not only is the insurance program one of the best in the nation, but it also fuels the expansive national and international charitable activities of the Knights.
Jim Highland is our new Field Agent for our Council. Please contact him if you would like to consider insuring your family through the Knights of Columbus.
KofC council 11355
The Knights of Columbus offers men a place to lead their families and communities in faith and service and put their Faith into Action. Knights of Columbus members, parishes and families have the opportunity to make a meaningful difference through 32 Supreme Council-recommended programs.
Learn more at the national Knights of Columbus Faith in Action webpage.
2024 Event has ended - See below for recap.
Bring your sweetheart out for a fun evening of dining and dancing hosted by the St. Max Knights of Columbus.
Saturday, February 3, 6:00 - 11:00PM, St. Max Gym
Shrimp cocktail • Deviled eggs • Assorted cheesesDinner
Mixed Greens Salad
Beef tenderloin • Chicken Marsala
Loaded baked potato • Green Beans
Asparagus • CarrotsDesserts
Cheesecake with Raspberries • King CakeDrinks
Complimentary Drinks: Soda, Coffee, Water, Iced Tea
Cash Bar: Well Drinks, Wine, Beer----
Early Bird: $70 per couple
After January 27: $80 per couple
Pay at the door: $90 per couple
(online purchase available until 12pm on 2/3/2024)
Questions: Email kofc@saint-max.org or call 513-443-4755
Visit our Oktoberfest Page for our 2024 event!
Questions: Email kofc@saint-max.org or call 513-443-4755
Let's provide warmth for children in need during the cold winter months! As part of a nationwide initiative by the Knights of Columbus, the Coats for Kids program has a goal to ensure that no child in North America goes without a coat during the winter season. Click here to learn more
More details to come!
Elected Leadership
Grand Knight Brian Mize
Deputy Grand Knight William Harkins
Chancellor Brett rose
Recorder Tony Louder
Treasurer Paul Landers
Advocate Mike Shimrock
Warden Zach Wernicke
Inside Guard Richard Brandell
Outside Guard Don Mollis, Sr.
One-year Trustee Jim Collins
Two-year Trustee Steve Wendt
Three-year Trustee Rick Volk
Chaplain Fr. Matthew Montag
Financial Secretary Steven Smith