Parish Life


  • This ministry consists of individuals, families and groups who maintain sections of landscaping on our property. Responsibilities include weeding, mulching and nourishing assigned areas. This ministry is guided by the facility manager.

  • Mike Gardner

Boy Scouts - Troop 944

  • We typically meet on Thursday evenings at 7:00 in the gym St. Maximilian Kolbe Church at 5720 Hamilton Mason Rd, Liberty Township, OH 45011.

    To see what we've been up to recently and what we have planned for the future, feel free to browse the pictures from recent events and our upcoming calendar on this page.

  • If you would like more information or want to get in contact with us, you can connect with us at

American Heritage Girls - 2513

  • St. Max charters American Heritage Girls Troop 2513. American Heritage Girls is a Christian-based youth development program for girls in kindergarten through grade 12.

    Girls learn new skills, build friendships, earn merit badges, and participate in a variety of social activities and outdoor adventures such as camping and other social activities. The St. Max troop meets twice a month from August-May.

  • Michelle Asbrock

Co-Ed Pickleball

  • St. Max Adult Pickleball springs back into action on Wednesdays and Thursdays in late August. There is an ANNUAL participation fee of $25 and participants must also complete a liability form.

    Playing time slots (approximately one hour) are scheduled between 6:00-9:00 pm on Wednesday evenings and 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Thursday mornings in the gym at St. Max. You don’t have to make all dates, participate on an "as available" basis.

    Click here to sign up

  • If interested in playing, please contact Andy Huser at or 513-706-5673 for more information.

Parish Festival

  • Gather with friends and family to enjoy our vibrant atmosphere and connect with neighbors old and new. Whether you’re exploring local crafts, savoring tasty treats, or participating in our fun-filled contests, there’s something for everyone. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

  • Chuck Springmeyer

Ladies Fellowship Network

  • Want to connect with other women of the parish? Interested in serving those in need? Looking for a way to support our parish family? Join us!

    Mission: The Ladies Fellowship Network builds a welcoming, supportive, faith-filled fellowship among the women of St. Max and lives out Christ’s mission of service to others in our church and community.

    Let us know if you'd like to be added to our e-mail list!

  • 2nd Thursdays of the Month

    Upcoming Events:

    January 9 - Reflection with Fr. Jesús Salinas, LC

  • Cathy Casto

Knights of Columbus - Council 11355

  • The Knights of Columbus are a million-plus international Catholic fraternal organization. We are based in the U.S. but have councils in Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, and Europe. For more information, go to

    The St. Maximilian Kolbe Council #11355 is the council for the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish. We have more than 190 members and do a wide variety of charitable works in the parish and community.

    Our meetings are the 3rd Monday of every month in the Large Conference Room at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish. The meetings start at 7:00 PM and there is a Rosary before the meeting starting around 6:30 PM.

    Visit our page for more information…

    If you are a Catholic male, 18 years or older, please consider joining. Vivat Jesus!

  • Grand Knight: Brian Mize

Meal and a Prayer

  • In thanksgiving for our priests and their service to St. Max, the main objective of our ministry is to provide a complete meal every Tuesday for the priests and seminarians living at the rectory. Pre-cooked meals are delivered in disposable containers to the rectory on Tuesdays before 4:30PM. Meals can simply be extra servings of whatever volunteers are making for their own families that day! Volunteers are also asked to say a decade of the rosary or another prayer of their choice for priests and religious vocations as meals are being prepared. Volunteers cook/deliver a meal about three times a year on weeks of their choosing.

  • Karen Borgemenke
    (513) 253-1532

Fish Fry

Men’s Basketball

Men’s Softball

  • More details coming soon!

  • Paul Groh

Welcome Ministry

  • The primary mission of the Welcome Ministry is to provide a welcoming atmosphere for all visitors and new members of the parish. The Welcome Ministry promotes fellowship by integrating new members into the life of the parish, beginning with an invitation to newly-registered parishioners to attend a Welcome Orientation which includes a tour of our campus and a meal afterward. Welcome Orientations immediately follow the 4:30PM Saturday evening Mass 5 times per year.

  • Rob and Hannah Barnhorn
    (513) 970-1970

Young at Heart

  • This club was established for single, married, widowed, retired and still working men and women of St. Max ages 50 and over to establish friendships and enjoy fellowship through meetings and outings together. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM in the St. Patrick's Conference Room. In January, February and March we meet at 2:00.

  • Tom Corkhill

Parish Life & Stewardship Commission Purpose

The vision of Parish Life and Stewardship Commission is to foster gratitude for the gifts that all people bring to our parish community and to encourage one another to share our talents, time and treasures according to our parish mission.


-1 PETER 4:10

As such, individual members of the commission are committed to their own formation as grateful members of the Body of Christ, open to how God might be calling them into deeper relationship with Him and towards a better understanding of and appreciation for the gifts of others.

Ministry Contact

Biz Ebben, Chair

  • Gail Allshouse

  • Karen Borgemenke

  • Maureen Dennison

  • Biz Ebben

  • Amy Ullman
