What is My Community within Our Community?

I was raised in a very devout Catholic family. My father was a lector as long as I can remember.  My mother was the first female lector in our parish following Vatican II. In those days, at that church, the lector(s) sat on the altar for the entirety of Mass. As a family of six kids, all close in age, we were left to sit in the pew without our parents. Don’t worry, our spot in church was the far-right side, third pew, in front of the ambo. Always was, always will be. This helped our parents keep an eye on us from the altar and shoot us the hairy eyeball whenever necessary.  For as long as I lived with my parents, even through several relocations, and long after my mom stopped lectoring, we sat in the same spot. Third pew. Far right side. So, you can probably guess where I have always sat at St. Max and where we raised our family, where we could always be found. Third pew. Far right side. I know just about everyone who sits in that area, week after week, year after year.  It is our community within the greater community.


Recently, I availed myself to the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at 4:30 Mass.  As you probably know, recipients are asked to sit in the pews on the center aisle, as they are able.  I chose to sit in one of the last rows, but had to sit on the right side of the aisle! I hoped I could still appropriately participate in Mass from that foreign location. I also wondered if anyone was curious who this foreigner might be sitting in their spot!!


I was so blessed to receive the Sacrament. But, as always, God gives us unexpected blessings when we follow His Will. I found myself sitting by parishioners that I had never met before!!! I sat behind a beautiful young family with a 9-month-old. She was adorable……and completely normal. She squirmed a little. Fussed a little. Made a few small noises. Dad took her out for a few minutes but brought her right back. After Communion, as her parents, most of the congregation and I, were kneeling in prayer, this little cherub was toddling along the pew, holding onto the back for support. Dad was mortified. He apologized to me, thinking she was an annoyance. I told him, “Do NOT apologize. She is exactly where she is supposed to be. Thanks for bringing her to Mass.”


After Mass, we chatted a little in the community room about the importance of bringing our children to Mass from a young age. I was very blessed to make some new friends; to find new “community within my community.” I guess the “usuals” in the front section, far right side, will have to play “Where’s Waldo?” because I will be mixing things up from now on. I think I would like to make more new friends and grow my community within my community.


Don’t Be Depressed…


A Legacy of Faith